Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
Vassar ISC Donor Recognition Wall (Detail 1).jpg

Vassar College Bridge for Laboratory Sciences

Comprehensive environmental graphics, integrated donor recognition, and wayfinding sign program designed for the integrated science center at Vassar College. Program included anodized aluminum department identification, custom laboratory signage with custom-illustrated safety symbols, architecturally integrated feature donor wall and donor recognition, and all code requirements for the newly-built Bridge for Laboratory Sciences building (and the remaining historic science buildings on campus).

Vassar ISC Donor Recognition Wall (Detail 1).jpg
Vassar ISC Lab Identification (Overall 1).jpg
Vassar ISC Lab Identification (Detail 1).jpg
Vassar ISC Donor Recognition Wall (Overall 2).jpg
 Additional information regarding the design process:   [Poulin + Morris, Inc.]

Additional information regarding the design process:
[Poulin + Morris, Inc.]